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News-Medical News Feed

Latest Medical News From Around The World

Die neuesten Einträge aus dem RSS-Feed von News-Medical News Feed:
Scientists confirm neurobiochemical link between dopamine and cognitive flexibility
28.03.2025 19:05
For the first time, scientists have confirmed a neurobiochemical link between dopamine and cognitive flexibility, according to new research published in the March issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medic...
Material from nasal lavage provides a basis for assessing COPD
28.03.2025 18:55
Early diagnosis of COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, increases the quality of life of the patient and the efficacy of available treatments.
Lipid accumulation in tumors linked to therapy resistance in breast cancer
28.03.2025 18:23
A new study published in the journal Immunity reveals a mechanism that allows triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) to develop resistance to therapy.
Study finds 24-hour fasting cycles enhance libido in male mice
28.03.2025 18:14
Long-term fasting in 24-hour cycles increases the sex drive of male mice by lowering the concentration of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain.
Scientists develop lab model to study TDP-43 accumulation in neurodegeneration
28.03.2025 17:54
Accumulation of a protein called TDP-43 is a key feature of ALS and frontotemporal dementia. In a newly published study, researchers report 'seeding' this accumulation through fragments of the culprit...
Discrimination exposure found to raise anxiety, depression risks among racial and ethnic groups
28.03.2025 17:34
A new study found that more than half of US adults encounter some form of discrimination, and that this mistreatment may fuel higher chances of depression and/or anxiety among specific racial and ethn...
Growth factor cocktail could reverse deadly effects of anthrax toxin
28.03.2025 17:19
Anthrax, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, is often treatable in its early stages. But once the disease has progressed beyond the "point of no return" after just a few ...
Research provides a comprehensive genomic and epigenomic landscape of ICE syndrome
28.03.2025 17:08
Iridocorneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome is a rare, irreversibly blinding ocular disorder with an unknown etiology. Lack of targeted effective drugs, inadequate disease prognosis, and high relapse rate...
AI-powered model improves prediction of bladder cancer treatment outcomes
28.03.2025 15:18
Leveraging the power of AI and machine learning technologies, researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine developed a more effective model for predicting how patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer wil...
Interval cancers account for significant breast cancer cases
28.03.2025 15:10
In a new study, researchers from Karolinska Institutet have shown that so-called interval cancers, which are detected between two screening sessions, account for a significant proportion of breast can...
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