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Portal fuer iMac, iPad, MacBook und iPhone

Taeglich aktuelles Magazin zu iMac, iPad, MacBook und iPhone mit News und Hintergrundberichten. Ausserdem Tests, Kaufberatung und vieles mehr.

Die neuesten Einträge aus dem RSS-Feed von Portal fuer iMac, iPad, MacBook und iPhone:
R Shiny Deployment: 5 Options for Individuals and Enterprises
27.11.2024 10:56
Developing a Shiny app is relatively straightforward, but deploying it to a production environment is a whole another set of challenges. If you’re unfamiliar, R Shiny is a powerful web application ...
Big-Scale Data Dashboards With Observable Framework
27.11.2024 09:45
If your organization is looking to build dynamic and interactive dashboards with a strong emphasis on performance or large scale, the Observable Framework could be an ideal fit. This article introduc...
The Benefits of Fully Utilizing UX/UI Design Throughout the Project Journey for Extractable
26.11.2024 10:45
Quite often, the involvement of a designer in a project is temporary, depending on the budget, deadlines, planning, etc. This approach is mainly used in projects with small budgets or at the POC stag...
Shiny Gatherings x Pharmaverse: Building Clinical Data Analysis Apps with {teal}
26.11.2024 09:00
In this edition of Shiny Gatherings x Pharmaverse, we were thrilled to welcome Nina and Dony, Principal Data Scientists at Genentech, for an insightful session on building clinical data analysis apps...
Tapyr 0.2 Update: Package Management with uv and Shiny for Python Testing API
05.11.2024 10:45
We’re thrilled to announce the release of Tapyr 0.2, a major update that incorporates valuable feedback from the Shiny for Python developer community. Learn how Tapyr enhances Shiny for Python ...
Shiny for Python and JavaScript: How to Add JS Scripts to Your Dashboards
04.11.2024 15:00
Web developers love JavaScript. And who can blame them, it’s a fantastic do-it-all language for making stunning websites. But what about Shiny and Shiny for Python? As it turns out, you can add...
Good Software Engineering Practices (GSEP) in FDA Submissions – 7 Categories to Follow
04.11.2024 13:00
Good software engineering practices are essential during the FDA submission process, especially if the software is used in the development, manufacturing, or control of drugs/medical devices. In plai...
A Guide to Validating R (Shiny) Applications in Pharma
21.10.2024 16:45
Validating R Shiny applications is critical in the pharmaceutical industry, where data integrity, compliance, and patient safety are essential. Building on our post on R package validation, Shiny app...
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