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Portal fuer iMac, iPad, MacBook und iPhone

Taeglich aktuelles Magazin zu iMac, iPad, MacBook und iPhone mit News und Hintergrundberichten. Ausserdem Tests, Kaufberatung und vieles mehr.

Die neuesten Einträge aus dem RSS-Feed von Portal fuer iMac, iPad, MacBook und iPhone:
Actions Speak Louder: Building Dashboard Features Users Actually Want
28.02.2025 15:55
The most valuable feedback often comes not from what users say, but from what they do! When was the last time you clicked a “Give Feedback” button in an app? Exactly. Yet product teams ke...
Open-Source Adoption in Pharma: Opportunities and Challenges
28.02.2025 09:51
Open-source tools are growing in popularity within the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmaceutical companies such as Roche, Novo Nordisk, GSK, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Gilead, and Pfizer have all...
ShinyConf24 – Keynote: Decade of Shiny in Action: Case Studies from Three Enterprises
27.02.2025 09:43
Delivering the ShinyConf 24 keynote for the Shiny in Enterprise track, Eric Kostello, Executive Director of Data Science at Warner Brothers Discovery, discussed the instrumental role Shiny and its ev...
Sign Up for Appsilon’s Tiny Shiny Hackathon: Build, Compete, and Win!
26.02.2025 13:00
We are excited to invite you to the Appsilon Tiny Shiny Hackathon, a four-hour online challenge where developers can showcase their creativity and technical skills by building applications that combi...
Building LLM-Powered Applications with Shiny for Python: Practical Insights
26.02.2025 09:36
At Appsilon, we’ve been integrating Large Language Models into Shiny for Python applications for a while now. One thing became clear: the challenge isn’t in the initial integration. Shiny...
Scaling Decision Support Systems: When to Use React, Python, and R
25.02.2025 11:00
In the past, many organizations relied on static file reports to make decisions. Typically, several Excel and PowerPoint reports are generated each month. Management would gather, discuss results, de...
Shiny Gathering x Pharmaverse Recap: Simplifying R Package Quality with the {riskassessment} App
25.02.2025 10:30
Customizing the {riskassessment} App based on your organization’s needs makes validating R packages in regulated industries like pharma more efficient and compliant. Strict compliance rules and...
Everything You Need to Know About Submitting a Talk for ShinyConf 2025
06.02.2025 15:10
Are you thinking about submitting a talk for ShinyConf 2025 but unsure where to start?  Here are some insights from our ShinyConf Planning Committee on what makes a great proposal. Call for Speakers...
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