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Blog zu Wirtschaft und Politik in Bulgarien. Insbesondere wird auf Themen mit EU-Relevanz eingegangen.

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How to Recruit for Sales Positions in 2025?
14.03.2025 13:32
Finding top sales talent in 2025 requires a combination of modern recruitment strategies, technology-driven hiring processes, and a deep understanding of how sales roles are evolving. With the rise of...
The trends in recruiting for 2024
10.05.2024 07:32
In the year 2024, there exist several intriguing trends within the realm of personnel acquisition. Here is a brief enumeration of five developments worth examining: AI-aided selection processes: Compa...
Unemployment in Bulgaria 2023
30.05.2023 13:12
Unemployment in Bulgaria continues to be a significant issue in 2023. Despite the country’s slow economic growth in recent years, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the closure of many businesses,...
The Significance of Workplace Ethics
18.04.2022 10:44
Nowadays, workplace ethics, also known as business ethics, turns out to be more and more frequently valued by employers at the workplace. This is simply due to the fact that business ethics is the mor...
Gender pay gap in Bulgaria
03.09.2021 11:07
The topic about gender pay gap has always been intriguing and has raised many discussions in the business sector. A recent study (2021) has shown that in Bulgaria, women receive salaries which are 14%...
Working from home – Pros and Cons
05.05.2021 11:13
In the early 2020 the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic started spreading rapidly all over the world. Governments had to implement strict measures and restrictions in order to keep the deadly di...
The coronavirus: The killer of the global economy
19.04.2020 10:59
What is the greatest fear in people – infection of COVID-19 or loss of their current job positions? Coronavirus infection is undoubtedly the invisible killer of not only many innocent people in ...
Generation Z (Recruiting Generations part 3)
06.03.2020 10:45
In Part 2 of Recruiting Generations we focused on Generation Y or the so called Millenials. What is so special about them is that they are optimistic, individual and educated. In Part 3 we will try to...
Generation Y (Recruiting Generations part 2)
02.03.2020 10:34
In the first part of recruiting generations, we have dealt more with the good old generation X. The generation was born between 1965 and 1980. They represented the majority of the working population f...
Recruiting generation X
04.12.2019 09:23
The key words Generation X, Y and Z as well as employer branding are one of the most discussed subjects of the human resources at the present time. What does that exactly mean? What are the difference...
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