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My IT-Blog - Mein kleiner Blog, in welchem ich über Linux (Ubuntu), Windows... und einige HowTo schreibe, halt alles was ich selber nicht vergessen möchte.

Die neuesten Einträge aus dem RSS-Feed von My IT-Blog:
SOLID Principles: From Paw Patrol to the Neighborhood
31.01.2025 02:27
SOLID Principles: From Paw Patrol to the Neighborhood – A Senior Developer’s Pragmatic Guide   The SOLID principles are essential guidelines for writing clean, maintainable, and scalable softwa...
Why Agile Won’t Fix Your Project
24.01.2025 02:09
Why Agile Won’t Fix Your Project We’ve all heard the promises of Agile: faster delivery, more flexibility, and a better team dynamic. But let’s face it—Agile won’t save your project if the f...
LLM Prompt Optimizations: Practical Techniques for Developers
24.01.2025 01:16
LLM Prompt Optimizations: Practical Techniques for Developers Optimizing inputs for LLMs ensures better, more consistent outputs while leveraging the full potential of the model’s underlying cap...
The Wild West of Coding: Why We’re Still Burning Digital Cities
24.01.2025 00:57
The Wild West of Coding: Why We’re Still Burning Digital Cities The year 2050 is closer than the year 1990, yet we’re still writing code like it’s the 1800s. It’s 2025, and while we’ve made ...
Legacy Codebase: A Love Story
04.01.2023 02:45
Legacy Codebase: A Love Story After some years, working with a > 10 years old legacy PHP codebase, I can truly say: you can escape the legacy codebase and introduce whatever is helpful, in a well-main...
What have I learned so far in my job?
04.01.2023 00:55
What have I learned so far in my job? I will start a new job next month (02-2023), so time to recap, I’m going to describe what I’ve learned so far. me: Lars Moelleken |> Assistant ...
PHP: Code Quality with Custom Tooling Extensions
20.07.2022 02:05
PHP: Code Quality with Custom Tooling Extensions After many years of using PHPStan, PHP-CS-Fixer, PHP_CodeSniffer, … I will give you one advice: add your own custom code to extend your Code-Qual...
Timeout Problems: Web Server + PHP
12.04.2022 14:39
Timeout Problems: Web Server + PHP What? First there is an HTTP request and that will hit your Web server, then it will pass the request via TCP- or UNIT-Socket via FastCGI to your PHP-FPM Daemon, her...
Prepare your PHP Code for Static Analysis
13.12.2020 02:28
Prepare your PHP Code for Static Analysis Prepare your PHP Code for Static Code Analysis, so that e.g. PHPStan or Psalm will understand your code. ...
Generics in PHP via PHPDocs
29.08.2020 02:34
Generics in PHP via PHPDocs Examples for Generics in PHP via PHPDocs / Template annotations. ...
❤️ Simple PHP Code Parser
07.08.2020 02:10
❤️ Simple PHP Code Parser Simple PHP Code Parser | a simple data structure from your php code ...
Arrayy: A Quick Overview of map(), filter(), and reduce()
29.07.2020 00:48
Arrayy: A Quick Overview of map(), filter(), and reduce() Arrayy: When to use map / filter and reduce? ...
How to write readable code?
24.07.2020 01:20
How to write readable code? How to write readable code? ⇒ Examples! ...
Modern PHPDoc Annotations
05.02.2020 00:17
Modern PHPDoc Annotations We will start very simple with PhpStorm and default PHPDoc, then we will increase the complexity step by step until we have auto-completion for array keys directly from the d...
Do Not Fear The White Space in your Code
28.01.2020 23:32
Do Not Fear The White Space in your Code “White space is to be regarded as an active element, not a passive background.”– Jan Tschichold At least since Apple is using massive white space for the...
Ubuntu + Windows + .dotfiles
05.04.2017 22:51
Ubuntu + Windows + .dotfiles 1. Open “Update & Security” > “For Developers” > activate the “Developer Mode”. 2. Under “Programs” > ̶...
PHP: Arrays zusammenzuführen
31.01.2016 02:58
PHP: Arrays zusammenzuführen In den folgenden Beispielen werden Standard-Funktionen von PHP gezeigt, um . Ausgangswerte: $array1 = [1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 'foo' => 'bar1']; $array2 =...
Was habe ich als Fachinformatiker bisher gelernt?
17.01.2016 02:25
Was habe ich als Fachinformatiker bisher gelernt? Nachdem ich nun bereits seit einigen Jahren lerne zu deklarieren und zu programmieren, werde ich im folgenden beschreiben was ich bisher gelernt habe....
Welche Programmiersprache sollte man als erstes lernen?
16.01.2016 17:03
Welche Programmiersprache sollte man als erstes lernen? Meine ersten Befehle habe ich auf einem C64 getippt und zumindest in meiner Erinnerung ($zeit == ‘Grundschule’) hat das riesig Spa&#...
HTTP/2: Welchen Vorteil bringt der neue Webstandard?
16.01.2016 16:22
HTTP/2: Welchen Vorteil bringt der neue Webstandard? Diesen Artikel habe ich bereits im Firmen Blog von menadwork GmbH veröffentlicht: Düsseldorf, am 04.11.2015 von Lars Moelleken Der im Ma...

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