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Kleinblog | David Klein

Aktuelle Rechtsprechung und Berichte aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zum IT-Recht, Telekommunikationsrecht und Medienrecht sowie Wehrdisziplinarrecht und Wehrstrafrecht. Dazu promotions- und referendaratisbegleitende Informationen und Erlebnisse.

Die neuesten Einträge aus dem RSS-Feed von Kleinblog | David Klein:
Prep for the GDPR 101 – In-house crash course in one lesson
20.06.2016 09:22
Finally, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679, “GDPR”) is coming. Following a long lasting process of negotiations, two months ago the European legislator pr...
Data breach: What to do if it has happened?
15.02.2016 07:58
There  have been major data breaches in the last few years, concerning hundred of million individuals whose personal information have been disclosed to criminals. You may think of Home Depot or Sony,...
Art. 29 WP Work Programme 2016-2018 published
13.02.2016 07:24
The Art. 29 Working Party has recently published their Work Programme (WP 235) for the next three years. Not a surprise, the WP 235 deals in first place with the upcoming GDPR and how data contro...
Data breach: How to prepare
10.02.2016 08:05
While personal information and likely sensitive data have become a common asset of nearly any business, data security is not that hot topic on the IT roadmap. Even global players in e-commerce have fa...
Guidelines of the German DPAs: Use of internet and email at the workplace
08.02.2016 08:36
One of the most disputed matters in German employee privacy law is related to the use of internet and email services by employees. In particular was unclear if surveillance of employees in this respec...
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